21 Sep International Expert Meetings on Clinical Parapsychology
Due to the growing interest in paranormal phenomena, the number of people who experience emotional problems due to their personal paranormal experiences is also growing.
This issue is made worse due to the fact that little research has been done by clinicians and social scientists regarding the role of paranormal experiences on the emotional wellbeing of people in their day-to-day lives. Consequently, people who suffer from such experiences have problems finding the help they need.
Since 2007, HJBF has set up a series of “Expert Meetings on Clinical Parapsychology” to improve the knowledge on exceptional experiences and the problems that derive from it. Each of these meetings have their own specific theme.
5th International Clinical Expert Meetings on Parapsychology (2019)
This meeting took place on Thursday 23th – Saturday, May 25th (2019) and was organised by Renaud Evrard (University of Lorraine) in Nancy. The conference was opened by Wolfgang Fach, who delivered a lecture on ‘The importance of autonomy and bonding as basic needs and structural dominants of exceptional experiences in clinical practice’. Here you can download the poster with a resume of the lecture.
Thirty experts and observers attended the meeting, of which the theme was ‘Exceptional Experiences and Integrative and Complementary Health Approaches’. The programme can be downloaded here.
4th International Clinical Expert Meetings on Parapsychology (2017)
On Friday, May 26th – Saturday, May 27th, 2017 the HJBF held the 4th edition in its International Expert Meetings series. This 4th edition was organized in close cooperation with dr. Nicole Bauer and took place at the Neue Universität in Heidelberg, Germany. The focus of this meeting was to exchange (personal) experiences and theoretical concepts in counselling related to religious and exceptional experiences. We have encouraged people from a variety of backgrounds to participate. This year’s theme was: ‘The changing world, new media technologies and its influence on religious & exceptional experiences. Booklet of the 4th International Expert- Meeting on Clinical Parapsychology (2017)
3rd International Expert Meetings on Clinical Parapsychology (2012)
A third expert meeting was held in April 2012 in Paris, France. This meeting was hosted by the French ‘Institut Métapsychique International’ (IMI). In this meeting, twenty-one professionals from five different countries focused on clinical models for counselling, theoretical models, and practical experiences in counselling in welfare, psychology, and psychiatric contexts.
2nd International Expert Meetings on Clinical Parapsychology (2010)
The second expert meeting was held in June 2010 in Freiburg, Germany, and was organized in collaboration with the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health (IGPP) in Freiburg i. Br., Germany. Twenty-two invited participants from four different countries focused on case studies in a clinical setting and discussed actual cases from their praxis in detail. In order to respect the privacy of the clients, no reports of the meeting were published.
1st International Expert Meetings on Clinical Parapsychology (2007)
The first expert meeting on clinical parapsychology in 2007 was held in Naarden, the Netherlands; twenty professionals from eight different countries came together to exchange their clinical experiences, scientific knowledge and personal opinions on how to support and counsel people within a professional setting, who are suffering from – alleged – paranormal or exceptional experiences. The outcomes of this meeting were published in the book ‘Perspectives of Clinical Parapsychology: an introductory reader’. This book is intended to be a practical guide for professionals who provide mental health care and counselling and are confronted with people who suffer from exceptional experiences.