
See our recent international conferences

Since its inception, Stichting Het Johan Borgman Fonds (HJBF) has organized numerous conferences, study days, expert meetings and symposia for a wide range of professionals.


Below you will find some examples of our past events:

Het Johan Borgman Fonds - Conferences HJBF

Below you will find a quick overview of our recent PHCP meetings. PHCP | 2020 The next PHCP meeting will be held in Utrecht, Spring 2020. We are currently busy preparing this meeting, more information will follow soon on this page. Stay tuned! PHCP |......

  Due to the growing interest in paranormal phenomena, the number of people who experience emotional problems due to their personal paranormal experiences is also growing. This issue is made worse due to the fact that little research has been done by clinicians and social......

  Poltergeist, clairvoyance, telepathy, dancing tables, ectoplasm and music from the afterlife. Everyone has an opinion about these concepts, but how do experts regard these phenomena? Foundation Stichting Het Johan Borgman Fonds (HJBF) organized an evening dedicated to the fascinating history of academic research on......

  The HJBF initiated, funded and co-organized a conference in Utrecht, the Netherlands, together with the New York-based Parapsychology Foundation (PF), that was a tribute to “The First International Conference of Parapsychological Studies,” which was organized by the PF in the summer of 1953 in......

  In 2008 an expert meeting was held, based on the 1964 publication ‘Over de Invloed van Radio en Televisie op Kleuters en Jonge Kinderen’ by Dr. Frits Wilmar on the influence of listening to the radio and watching television on infants. Wilmar believed that......